

When my niece Sam and her boyfriend Noah, who are huge fans of bouldering and climbing, asked to be introduced to the world of backpacking in the Adirondack high peaks, I excitedly began planning.

I wanted to do one of the high peaks with a great view, but perhaps from a different approach I’ve never done before, so it would be new for me, as well. I also wanted a trailhead that wouldn’t be too hard to find a parking spot, because too often these days, all the major trailheads are jam-packed, and I’m really getting tired of fighting the crowds.

When studying my map of the high peaks, I found the perfect hike, leaving from a trailhead on Rt. 73 to Dix, that would do nicely. So we planned on leaving from the Round Pond trailhead, and hiking along the North fork of the Boquet River, to the campsites about two-thirds of the way.

Dix is 6th highest in NY, at 4857 ft.

So, we made our way to the trailhead, and miraculously, found one free parking space—like it was destiny or something... We divided the trip into 3 days:

DAY 1: Round Pond Trailhead to Boquet River Lean-To

• 4.6 miles

• 2 hours, 45 minutes

• 869 feet elevation gain

Boquet River Lean-To to Dix Summit
• 2.6 miles

• 2 hours 20 minutes

• 2399 feet elevation gain

  DESCENT: Dix Summit to Boquet River Lean-To

• 2.6 miles

• 2 hours 40 minutes (more stopping to photograph fungi, and a relaxed pace)

• 2399 feet elevation loss

DAY 3: Boquet River Lean-To to Round Pond Trailhead

• 4.6 miles

• 2 hours 34 minutes

• 869 feet elevation loss

September 2021

Dix Mountain, as seen from the summit of Hough Peak.

Dix as seen from Nippletop (in the winter)